DHBTS II: we are not robots

DHBTS II: we are not robots


This project was made with the Human in mind. We live in some interesting times where, not only are we in the era of AI, but I believe we are in an era where it’s easy for us to forget that we are Human, not robots. We walk around with this little device in our hands, allowing technology to dictate how we dress, how we learn, how we create, etc.. This isn’t a knock against technology and it’s advancements, but a reminder to us all that we were CREATED for more. We hope you dig the music, but also that it makes you just a little bit more aware of who you are!

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Amadeus front cover.jpg Amadeus back cover.jpg


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tales from a beautiful journey TalesBackCover.JPG

tales from a beautiful journey

I Did It (Single) produced by BoX

I Did It (Single) produced by BoX
